Here is a list of holistic health books that I recommend for your healing practice. I have read and still read these practical books as the content is good for a life time. Dr. Stone and his best works. Polarity Therapists who have written the most comprehensive books so that you can start practicing on your own, for your family and friends. Books on other alternative healing systems that I have found inspirational and a good resource. Please look into these books as your desire to learn the healing arts grows within you.
Polarity Therapy Books
Polarity Therapy The Complete Collected Works Volume 1 – By Dr Randolph Stone–The father of Polarity Therapy explains the healing science based on living energy fields–is essential for many practitioners of the healing arts.

Polarity Therapy The Complete Collected Works Volume 2 – By Dr Randolph Stone –The father of Polarity Therapy begins with the mysterious sacrum and how to adjust body alignment and imbalances. Calling it vitality balance.

The Polarity Process: Energy as a Healing Art – We call this the bible of Polarity Therapy. Franklyn Sills guides the reader through Dr. Randolph Stone’s mapping of humans’ subtle energies explaining the theory and practice of Polarity. It incorporates holistic health, diet, exercise, massage. This is an introduction that therapists and lay individuals interested in alternative health practices will want in their collection.

Polarity Therapy Workbook: 2nd Edition – A vital must have for all energy practitioners. John Beaulieu describes the works of Dr Stone in this most comprehensive book to learn Polarity bodywork, exercise, theory, and evaluation.

A Guide to Polarity Therapy: The Gentle Art of Hands-On Healing – Maruti Seidman has an amazing gentle approach to Polarity. You can feel his heart as he explains the polarity system of healing and gives twenty-one different healing treatments described in detail with meditation techniques, polarity yoga and a lot of food for thought.

Esoteric Anatomy: The Body as Consciousness – By Bruce Burger, Esoteric Anatomy offers a spiritual approach to massage, bodywork, and somatic psychology, demystifying an ancient transpersonal model for understanding energy in nature and working with consciousness in the healing arts. It offers a comprehensive health care system based on understanding the body as a field of conscious energy—a system that promotes healing, health building, and self-actualization.

Health Building: The Conscious Art of Living Well – By Randolph Stone, filled with instructions on vegetarian purifying diets, energizing exercises for vitality and beauty. The same used in his consultations with clients all over the world.

Polarity Therapy – Healing with Life Energy – Polarity Therapy in it’s finest. Described by Alan Siegel and Phil Young. Written in a way that anyone can follow along as we all have the power of healing within us. We can heal ourselves, our relationships and our environment. In this heavily illustrated book you will find a complete and practical guide, to releasing blocked energy through polarity energy balancing and so much more.

Polarity Therapy – Where Energy Meets Structure and Function – By Phil Young in this extensive revision and expansion of the book, The Art of Polarity Therapy–A Practitioner’s Perspective, has added theory behind each bodywork session.

Holonomic Reflexology: An integrated whole body system from Polarity Therapy – By Phil Young, taking Reflexology to the Next Level. It provides new perspectives on the reflex maps from Polarity Therapy and takes a fresh look at reflexes and correspondences throughout the entire body.

Ayurveda Books
Ayurveda is the science of life. A holistic practice that is based on the first medicine in man’ creation. You will find these books a great resource for your home and well being.
Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing: A Practical Guide – Dr. V. Lad clearly explains the principles and practical applications of Ayurveda. With self-diagnostic guides, basic principles, and diagnostic techniques. This book is a must have in every home.

Layman Books
Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field – The first book I had in my collection which kicked started me onto the quest of healing. Hands of Light will teach you:
• An understanding of how the human energy field looks and functions.
• Training in the ability to see and interpret auras.
• Medically verified case studies.
• Guidelines for healing the self and others.